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Download Anti Virus PCMAV 1.91, Januari 2009

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PCMAV anti-virus is a very good eradicate the virus in local and foreign virus. With this PCMAV 1.92, anti-virus in January 2009, the computer will be more secure from virus attacks, Because many advantages offered. PCMAV 1.92 issued January 2009 has many advantages which can be seen in this.

PCMAV 1.92 consists of:
  • a database and virus cleaning 48 local / foreign / new variants have been spread in Indonesia. Total 2493 virus and its many outstanding variannya in Indonesia has been known in this version 1.92 by engine internal PCMAV.
  • Updated, special cleaner that can overcome the new virus variants Windx-Maxtrox can menginfeksi executable file. Updated, the routine duty in the search files.
  • Maintenance, the routine for the eradication of the virus detected by engine ClamAV status to "Deleted" and not "Cleaned".
  • Added, the confirmation message when trying to delete the virus detected by the possibility of engine ClamAV was menginfeksi office documents such as DOC & XLS.
  • Added, the heuristic engine that can detect the new variants which are spread out. Improved, error detection (false alarm) heuristik on some programs and scripts.
Updated, some changes in the name of the virus has found a new variant.
Some minor improvements and bug improvised code to ensure that internal PCMAV Cleaner & PCMAV RealTime Protector more than just ordinary antivirus.


Comments :

Joe Engressia said...

dengan dukungan dbase yang sudah diperbaharui, sehingga mampu membersihkan virus2 lokal tnpa menghapus file yang terinfeksi

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