to Learn Networking Protokol
Joe Engressia, Saturday, December 27, 2008
Networking Protokol
At the moment, mostly person can do network configuration, although just peer to peer. But, not more person who knew of which its origin numbers one that is inserted that? Its example myself. Before studied CCNA 1, I could do network configuration like LAN in a workstation and used internet in that workstation, but I have known whatever protocols one networks. So, my network is not optimal and hacker can be easy to penetrate it. Ok enough its opener words and we will work through this material.
Protocol is orders about network which works at all Operating System. Meanwhile intended with network is severally computer which connected and consist of 1 network's IP or more. There is 2 type braze network :
1. Class Full
constituting class which is agglomerated bases first bit in first octet.
Example: IP address : 133 . 251 . 239 . 24
Way gleaming following binary conversion to decimal or on the contrary utilize 8 binary bit because IPV4s network protocol utilize 8 binary bit.
Example: denary number 133 will be made binaries
Make number to make easy sought after and began by
Insert on if the number input in its sum and otherwise therefore insert point 0.
1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
So, if is added 12 8+ 4 + 1 = 133
So also contrary from binary to denary
Class full consisting of 4 class:
a. Class A
First bit from class A : 0 x x x x x x x x, the meaning is ip class A range from 1 126
Example: ip address class A = 124 . 1 . 6 . 4
b. Class B
Bits number from class B : 1 0 x x x x x x, ip class B range from 128 191.
Why not is started from 127? Because 127 is used as loop back in stand alone computer and 127 cant use as IP address.
Example : ip address class B = 129 . 32 . 3 . 4
c. Class C
Bits number from class C : 1 1 0 x x x x x, ip class range from 192 223.
Example : ip address class C 192 . 168 . 3 . 4
d. Class D
Bits number from class D : 1 1 1 0 x x x x, ip class D range from 224 225
Example Ip address class D : 227 . 24 . 45 . 5
Determining subnet mask from class full .
Subnet mask functions as curb of host's amount that can connected in one network , this limitation will be worked through on class Less. Following way determines subnet mask class full:
Information : N = Network
a. Class A : N . H . H . H = 11111111.00000000.00000000.00000000 ( 255 . 0 . 0 . 0)
b. Class B : N . N . H . H = 11111111.11111111.00000000.00000000 (255 . 255 . 0 . 0)
c. Class C : N . N . N . H = 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000 (255 . 255 . 255 . 0 )
Example :
Broadcasts Ip function to send information to all ip address. trick determines broadcast's IP adequately determine IP class. what thats class A,B, or c then trades point h (host) as 255. But this trick just applies for Class Full, and h that difference with h on subnet.
Of IP upon can at concludes:
Look for total host from Class Full
Trick look for total host from class full is . If look for utilize formula, total host on class C with subnet mask
1 1 1 1 1 11 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 11. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 which is
= 256 2
= 254 host
So, can be concluded that to make one LAN'S network or peer to peer better utilizes class c since just consisting of 254 host and gets to economize memory Switch so its more performance optimal.
1. Class Less
Class Less functions to draw the line client's amount that can connected, so gets to optimize network.
Trick utilize class less.
A Trifling uses ip address class B : 129 . 251 . 239 . 24/20
The meaning of /20 is 20 subnet mask bits valuably 1 and 12 bit valuably 0. Because ip address consists of 4 octet and each octet available 8 bit.
Determinative :
a. total host ?
b. IP network (same with subnet but difference with subnet mask)?
c. Subnet mask (same with mask)
d. Ip broadcast
e. IPs which get connected?
Answer :
Just as informs to be can't yet make the point (AND) and (If And Only If ), since this trick one will be utilized to solve problem upon.
Its steps:
1. Determinative binary number from host and mask
2. To look for ip network, HOST (AND) BINER
3. To look for Ip broadcast, MASK (IF AND ONLY IF) IP NETWORK
The Answer:
Subnet Mask =
- IP network =
- IP broadcast =
- ip address that can connected 129 . 251 . 224 . 1 to 129 . 251 . 239 . 254
Because utilize /20, therefore 32-20 = 12, and
The task was finished, hopefully you can understand with what already been worked through. Please visit mysite, if you have problem about networking.
CISCO Networking
to Learn Networking Protokol
written By : Joe Engressia
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