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Install Minitube 8.0 on Ubuntu 9.10 and Repair for AMD64

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On Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic, We can watch you tube video with ease. There is a program that gives awesome features, so We can use it to watch youtube video on HD video support. According the official site of minitube, "Minitube is a native YouTube client. With it, you can watch YouTube videos in a new way: you type a keyword, and Minitube gives you an endless video stream. Minitube does not require the Flash Player. It is not about cloning the original YouTube Web interface, but strives to create a new TV-like experience".

    Changes: This release introduces HD video playback. Volume level and mute status are now remembered across sessions. Croatian, Latvian, Galician, Hungarian, and French translations were added.
Let's install minitube on Ubuntu Karmic, then watch youtubue video on HD Video format.

    Before install minitube on Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic, please make sure you have connected on internet or local repository of ubuntu 9.10 Karmic.
  1. Add bellow source to install minitube via terminal

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:neversfelde/ppa

  2. Update sources.list

    sudo apt-get update

  3. Install minitube using the following command

    sudo apt-get install minitube

Note: If you get problem when install minitube, probably your codecs haven't installed yet.
Please follow this way to install codecs of Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic.

sudo apt-get install phonon-backend-gstreamer gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad

Use bellow way for AMD64, if The above doesn't work.

  1. Download minitube.deb for amd64 here

  2. Extract minitube_20091117-0.8_amd64.tar.gz via terminal
    e.q. minitube_20091117-0.8_amd64.tar.gz on directory /home

    cd /home

    tar -zxvf minitube_20091117-0.8_amd64.tar.gz

  3. Install minitube_20091117-0.8_amd64.deb

    sudo dpkg -i minitube_20091117-0.8_amd64.deb

Ok, now We can watch youtube video via minitube and support for HD video. Good Luck ^^

minitube 8.0

Comments :

2 comments to “Install Minitube 8.0 on Ubuntu 9.10 and Repair for AMD64”
ritz said...

--- ̿̿̿ ̿' ̿'\̵͇̿̿\з=(•̪●)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿ --- healthy here---

asnan rifai said...

nice posting

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