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Install Chat Facebook on Pidgin Machine Ubuntu 9.04

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facebookchatChat Facebook Using Pidgin

Pidgin is an free IM application and support many IM service like yahoo messenger, google talk, aol, facebook, etc. Based on survei, the number of user that use chat facebook has increased significantly. Using facebook chat on pidgin is cozier that using browser, because the sending progress of message is faster, beside that you can use emote icon that is provided by pidgin and support on facebook chat. But, on Ubuntu 9.04 You have not used facebook chat, because pidgin has not installed on it's machine. You don't need to worry, because you only install one file on ubuntu 9.04, and you ready use it.

Follow bellow steps to install facebook chat on your pidgin:

  1. Download here

  2. extract it.

  3. Double click to install it or

    install via console

    $ sudo dpkg -i pidgin-facebookchat-1.54.deb

Ok, That is simple way to install facebook chat. Now, you can chat via pidgin on you facebook account.

Other Post About Ubuntu and Pidgin :
Repairing Pidgin in Ubuntu 9.04 and Login Successfully

Comments :

5 comments to “Install Chat Facebook on Pidgin Machine Ubuntu 9.04”
Unknown said...

Thanks for the great information.

Are you actually living your life ...or...are you just existing in it? :)

Joe Engressia said...

@Dorothy L
Thanks 4 your comment.
I hope i can live in my life and my nation is proud of me. :D

daywalker said...

wow great discovery bro, i'll try now

bule said...

finally i've found how to make my facebook account looks different

nofasonic said...

thanks 4 your information, that's cool

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